Out with the Old Year, In with the New

To help you process the shit that just happened in 2023, tie a pretty bow on it, and lay potent foundations for a quantum leap in 2024
Perfect for ambitious spiritual women wanting to begin the year intentionally, aligned & set goals that actually manifest this year 
It's the new year & you're wondering "wtf just happened last year... why didn't I hit my goals or manifestations?"
Followed by frantic feelings of "LETS CHANGE EFFING EVERYTHING" energy, overwhelm ... only to burnout by Feb....

Well, lovely... You're not alone 

Most people are making these mistakes each year

You set way too many goals & way to many WRONG goals. If your goals for the year are misaligned then it makes sense that you would struggle so hard to achieve or manifest them.  

Ending the year feeling tired, disappointed,, resentful and not feeling like you believe in yourself for this brand new year and just wanting to avoid it all, altogether. 

You're not updating your identity, growth and accomplishments so you can begin the new year feeling like your better than the last year (YOU ARE)
All of the above are proven by neuroscience & psychology to be your greatest blocks to success in 2024. 
Here's exactly what you need right now...
Set the RIGHT, unstoppable goals from the most heart-centered & aligned place so they actually manifest this time

Take all the hardships & tough times from last year & alchemize them so that they don't hold you back next year or worse re-manifest 

Start the year, steadfast and HIGH VIBE so that you manifest from your embodied IDENTITY - from who you are... already BEing the you that succeeds next year

Actually manifest your damn goals next year & quantum leap 

That’s Exactly Why I Created this...
Out with the old year, In with the new 
A 3 Module Manifestation Course to help you process 2023 effectively, set unstoppable goals for 2024, become magnetic for next year's manifestations & quantum leap this year
This course will take you from feeling uninspired, stuck or overwhelmed with your new year…

to having an aligned vision, laser focused goals, rewired limiting beliefs & embodying your best "You" for potent manifestation energy 

This all keeps you motivated toward your goals  as you super charge being an energetic match for your manifestations! 
My 3 module program, worth $222, takes you through 6+ hours of content, 3 modules, guided meditations & visualisations & workbooks for each module, ensuring the deepest subconscious rewiring & integration. 
A little biiiit about me...
I know how you feel. 
I always feel like where in the hell do the years go?! Especially since covid, right? It's like we're living in a time wrap. 

Well as a Spiritual Life Coach, founder of The Alchemized Spirit brand, biz woman, spiritual junkie, and manifestation pro... A few years ago I was a little disturbed at how I would just let the years pass by with very little reflection...

I was worried about what stories and limiting beliefs were just ticking over into the next year and I was also extremely tired of PILING on the new years resolutions without much thought and intent, only to f**k them all up by like March...
That's why I created this New Year Manifestation Course. 
This is a truly game-changer.

And lead to me quantum leaping in my acting and coaching career last year!

Using my unique manifestation method

I have condensed my UNIQUE manifestation method into
3 modules where you get the best & most potent parts of it:
1. Neutralize
Look over the year & do a proper audit of everything that happened. The good the bad, the ugly, the lessons & the celebrations. Then release any negativity or disappointment that would usually hold you back in the next year 
2. Alchemize
Make the unconscious conscious. Take inventory of all the shitty, limiting beliefs holding you back from your greatness success next year and REWIRE THAT SHIT Set the RIGHT goals that manifest from there. 
3. Align & Ascend
Receiving is really about embodiment which basically means to BE THE VERSION OF YOU WHO ALREADY HAS THE THING or the success. In this step we get you to shift how you see yourself & be "that" girl  
This Course includes.... 
Access to an in-depth, highly transformational manifestation course with every step, inquiry and rewiring required to make 2024 
 Immediate Lifetime Access to a 3 Module Couse (access to all future updates)

Over 6 hours of teaching & video content

Transformational Workbooks for Each Module

 Guided Meditations & Visualisations for energetic transmissions & shifts

Mini-Mastermind Private Facebook group to ask me ANY questions & receive support from me

Connect with like minded souls in same private mini mastermind group 

Live Q&A on 31 Jan: 9am pst, 12pm pdt, 7pm SA, 5pm UK. (Chance to be coached on the hotseat!) $33
You'll have access to exclusive content that's wildly transformational, personalised coaching (if you choose to add on), and a supportive private mini mastermind group to connect with others & receive direct support from me 

That's Not All,
You Also Get... (for sign-ups before 15 Jan)
 Amazing Bonuses
Bonus #1
The Ditch the Doubt Audio Bundle: For self-doubt & imposter syndrome 
Worth $77
Bonus #2
The Worthy of Wealth Guided Meditation for attracting money & abundance
Worth $77
+ 3 Module Manifestation Mini-course full value at $222
Total Value: $354

If you’re:

Someone who is ambitious, driven and spiritual and really wants to make the most out of life, your growth, your success 

& understands the value in not letting this past year go to waste & laying down potent manifestations before next year even starts!


You wanna make 2024 your best year yet 

You wanna release any heaviness or negativity from the past year 

You wanna celebrate the past year 

You wanna rewire your limiting beliefs that may be cock-blocking your success 

You just wanna kick-ass, be joyful and experience life and your potential to the full

You wanna learn how to manifest from a deeply spiritual place (no foo-foo ego stuff)


  • Neutralize you energy & emotional field, eradicating negative heavy emotions so that you can create from a blank slate   (#manifestlikeamonk)
  • Get crystal clear on your 's  vision for 2024 
  • Experience the joy that comes with self-confidence & self-belief after alchemizing your limiting beliefs 
  • Cruise into 2024 feeling cool, calm, collected and ready to light life on fire 
  • Notice as you start showing up completely differently in 2024, ready for your next level of success 

You're questions answered...
  • How long will it take me to complete the course?
    Each module is about 1.5 - 2 hours and you can do it over a couple of days or even weeks.
  • Do I get access forever?
    Yes and you get access to all future updates!
  • How is this different to other programs out there?
    My work is unlike most manifestation programs out there and I don't say that lightly. I have seasoned coaches and personal development junkies go through my work and have breakthroughs they had never had before despite all their work done. My work cracks you open bit by bit and I really do infuse EVERYTHING with spiritual truth which is why, I believe, miracles and shifts for people.
Once Again,
Here's a Summary of Everything You Get in this
manifestation mini-Course

Access to exclusive 3 Module Course for life & all future updates $222

Over 6 hours of teaching & video content

Transformational Workbooks for Each Module

Guided Meditations & Visualisations for Energetic shifts

24-hour Private Mini-Mastermind Facebook group support from me

Community support & Connected with Like-Minds in the Fbook Group

+ BONUS: Ditch the Doubt Audio Bundle $77

+ BONUS: Worthy of Wealth Guided Meditation $22 

Live Q&A on 31 Jan: 9am pst, 12pm pdt, 7pm SA, 5pm UK. (Chance to be coached on the hotseat!) $33

Get Instant Access to the Mini Course & Bonuses,
with a total value of $354
For a whopping no-brainer offer of only.... $88! (!!!)
As little as the cost of a pair of Marshalls jeans lol.. ok maybe 2 
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  • Payment

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Add: Special offer you won't find anywhere else  -  37% off!

Special one-time offer that you won't find anywhere else for a 75 min private coaching session with me for only $222 (usually $330+)
You can use it now during the mini-course, or after, or use it to set yourself up for success. (Expires 15 Feb 2024)

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($88.00)$88.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $44.00)2x $44.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Out with the Old Year, In with the New 🔮 (2)$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xOut with the Old Year, In with the New 🔮 (2)$0

All prices in USD